Posts tagged pull-up
Proper Pull Up Form: 5 Key Mistakes To Avoid

Proper Pull Up Form: 5 Key Mistakes To Avoid

Although basic pull up form may seem very straightforward on the surface, the truth is that many lifters in the gym make several important errors on the exercise that reduce its lat-building effects and even increase the chances for injury.

Here are 5 mistakes you need to steer clear of if you want to perform your pull ups properly...

Correct Pull Up Technique: 5 Mistakes To Avoid

#1 - Minimize the use of momentum by making sure to not swing your legs or upper body and to perform the exercise under a reasonable amount of control. Pull yourself in a straight up and down motion, pause at the top, and lower yourself in 2-4 seconds.

#2 - Proper pull up form means using a full range of motion by raising yourself up until your chin is at the bar or slightly over, and lowering yourself until arms are just short of full extension. Performing little "half reps" does not allow you to fully lengthen and shorten the lats on each rep and thus reduces the effects of the lift.

#3 - Make sure to not position your elbows out in front of your body, as this puts more stress on the arm flexors and forearms rather than the lats. One of the best pull up tips out there is to keep your elbows pointed out to the sides and in line with your shoulders in order to hit your lats as hard as possible.

#4 - Always keep your shoulders down and back and lead with your chest. If you internally rotate your shoulders at the top by hunching forward, you take stress off your lats and place it on surrounding muscles. 

#5 - The last pull up form tip is to focus on pulling with your elbows rather than your hands. Instead of thinking about pulling your body upward, think about driving your elbows downward instead.

So, if you've been wondering how to do pull ups correctly, make sure to avoid these 5 common pull up form mistakes. This tips will help you build your lats more effectively and reduce the chance for injury as well.

How to Do a Pull-Up

First tip is, use your hands as a hook. You're going to lock your hand onto the hook and not even think about squeezing with your forearm. When you do that, you put the emphasis on your forearm and your bicep, and we want to keep it on your lats. Here it is. We're up in our pull-up. Our goal now is to pull from our lats like digging our elbows into the side of our body. Nose. Slow, all the way down. Back up. Nice and controlled. Very important is the speed that you're using. Nice control.